The main objective of the LightCoce project is to cover the gap in the upscaling and testing of multifunctional lightweight concrete and ceramic materials by providing open access to SMEs and Industry to Pilot Lines (PLs) through a one stop shop ecosystem consisting of upgraded Pilot Lines (including three clusters of PLs; a. Concrete, b. Conventional Ceramics, and c. Advanced Ceramics), characterisation & testing facilities, process modelling, quality assurance and monitoring, and standardisation, safety and innovation management services that will be accessible to the interested stakeholders (clients) at fair conditions and cost. The ecosystem will be reached from customers through a single-entry point (SEP). The value proposition of LightCoce is based on four main elements of high value for business and in particular SMEs, namely access to Pilot Lines and associated technology and competence (including IPs), access to network, access to finance and access to international markets.
In this framework, the overall objective of LightCoce is to create the European wide reference network of Pilot Lines for the development, expertise, technology validation facilities and transfer services to industry and SMEs for advanced materials applications ranging from constructions materials (bricks, ceramic tiles, concrete blocks), and infrastructures (ready mix concrete, prefabricated components), to high tech applications in automotive and aerospace industry. In this respect the LightCoce consortium consisting of 26 organizations has been formed by well recognized and world leading experts in their fields: 5 Large Enterprises, 1 Association, 8 RTDs and 12 SMEs, spread across 9 countries has been organized around a core group of partners which are the owners of the different Pilot Lines and the organizations in charge of delivering the key services to guarantee financial sustainability; a second group of partners represent an initial layer of customers and end-users for the test beds facilities and will co-invest their resources to support in the upgrade of the facilities and the launch of pilot projects.
The LightCoce Ecosystem will ultimately strengthen the cooperation between stakeholders (technology providers, service providers and the industry), building business model based on Open access cooperative Innovation.