

Prof. Ioannis Paspaliaris the last ten years has coordinated and participated in more than 50 EC, National and industry funded projects. His research activities involve development of energy efficient processes, processing technologies for ores and industrial minerals, design, simulation and techno-economical evaluation of new production processes, design of environmental protection processes, synthesis of high added-value materials from ores and industrial minerals, mathematical modelling and simulation of chemical and metallurgical processes, process analysis and reactor design. He is also an active member of the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP), participating also in the focus area of FA Materials.

As project coordinator he ensures a coherent workflow, through means of process and knowledge management. In detail, the overall coordination encompasses: i. Monitoring of project proceedings according to work plan; ii. Securing that all deliverables are produced on time, iii. Preparing and updating the Consortium Agreement, including particular attention to IPR, in collaboration with the Exploitation manager, iv. Budget management and controlling, v. Regular communication and exchange with all consortium members, vi. Regular communication and exchange with project officer, vii. Organize and chair the Project Management Meetings, viii. If needed coordination of project amendments. The coordinator and the management board are in close collaboration with the advisory board built to support the ecosystem.


Prof. Maria Taxiarchou has participated in more than 42 research projects within the last 10 years and has practical and theoretical experience in i. technology development for the processing of ores and industrial minerals; ii. development of energy efficient processes; iii. design and techno-economic evaluation of new production processes; iv. development of high-added value products from ores and industrial minerals for the construction and chemical industry; and v. assessment of the environmental impact and LCA of products and processes. Her vast experience in the technical field provides an additional benefit during the implementation of the LightCoce project.

As the project’s Technical Manager she participates at each PSC meeting keeping an overview of technical progress against key performance measures such as deliverables and milestones. She regularly updates the technical risks assessment table utilizing the breadth of her technical knowledge and experience to forecast risks with a view to early identification of potential future problems. These will be tabulated at each PSC meeting and combined into a new version of the risk assessment table. The PC will then use the TM’s data to plan and control the project. She also provides the Technical Manager’s risk assessment and the associated risk assessment table to all the WPLs who will then discuss this with the PC and plan appropriately. Main responsibilities of the TM are: i. To ensure WPLs follow the correct procedures, policies and documentation requirements, ii. to guide together with the WPLs the consortium through the development, testing and implementation stages and review the completed work effectively, iii. To update with the WPLs regularly the technical risk management.


Dr. Deligkiozi has a deep business understanding, along with a strong technical background in the field of materials and composites for ensuring creative ideas are anchored to the required market, regulatory and performance requirements. Moreover, she has experience in the exploitation results of research projects and innovation management and under her guidance 3 start up & spin off companies. She has been assigned the role to handle exploitation activities and innovation management as well as the management of knowledge and IPR.

IEM triggers and deploys the creative capabilities of the work force for the continuous development of the project. All the members of the consortium will be invited making brainstorming, virtual prototyping, product lifecycle management, idea management, product line planning and portfolio management. In global terms the IEM coordinates the following: i) Concentration of results by the participants, ii) Studies on socio-economic aspects, iii) Activities promoting the business development strategy and iv) IPR management. In addition to IP protection, the Innovation Management activities pivot around the implementation of an innovation cycle, which is a vital component for ensuring success in market-oriented research projects. Close interaction with the Technical Manager is promoted to facilitate co-creation and fluid interaction between the development teams and our industry end-users.


Dissemination Manager (DM): Dr. Stefano Gallinaro from UNISMART will be the DM of LightCoce project. Dr. Gallinaro graduated in Economics and, besides his experience in research and innovation management, he founded a directed an online magazine with over 10.000 visits per month from 2013 to 2015. Later, he got hired as Communication Manager in the entertainment industry until he left to pursue a career in innovation management which has always been his main interest. He will report each six months to the PSC the progress of actions and will draft an achievements document. The DM in collaboration with the IEM will report to the PC and the PSC and will be responsible for further developing the dissemination strategies. This will include determination of the target groups, routes of dissemination, developing and approving dissemination materials (i.e. papers, conference presentations, fairs, networking events, case studies).