Prof. Ioannis Paspaliaris the last ten years has coordinated and participated in more than 50 EC, National and industry funded projects. His research activities involve development of energy efficient processes, processing technologies for ores and industrial minerals, design, simulation and techno-economical evaluation of new production processes, design of environmental protection processes, synthesis of high added-value materials from ores and industrial minerals, mathematical modelling and simulation of chemical and metallurgical processes, process analysis and reactor design. He is also an active member of the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP), participating also in the focus area of FA Materials.
As project coordinator he ensures a coherent workflow, through means of process and knowledge management. In detail, the overall coordination encompasses: i. Monitoring of project proceedings according to work plan; ii. Securing that all deliverables are produced on time, iii. Preparing and updating the Consortium Agreement, including particular attention to IPR, in collaboration with the Exploitation manager, iv. Budget management and controlling, v. Regular communication and exchange with all consortium members, vi. Regular communication and exchange with project officer, vii. Organize and chair the Project Management Meetings, viii. If needed coordination of project amendments. The coordinator and the management board are in close collaboration with the advisory board built to support the ecosystem.